Monday, December 13, 2010

You caught me on my way down, honey.

I have a possible sinus infection. I believe that, for the most part. My doctor is a really scary guy, but when it comes down to diagnosing, he's on the ball. The only bad part is that I had to get that flu shot that I have been dreading for weeks now. My arm is really hurting now, and I feel like the flu just took over my entire arm. I told them that my immune system was down and now I'm going to get the flu. Man.

As of right now, I'm printing out my AP World reading for the next two days. My mother wants me in bed, but guess what. My mind is telling me to work and it absolutely sucks. I want to rest, you know. I can be so lazy in different aspects of my life, but when it comes down to school work I can never give myself a break. I don't know why. 

This paragraph is dedicated to the greatness that is the band Anberlin. They're from Florida and happen to be the last American band that I have faith in today. Stephen Christian's voice is angelic, it really is. Their album Cities is their best and you should all go out and buy it right now. It's entirely worth it. It was a random hit for me and I'm so glad I took it. Anberlin is one of my favourite bands today and will remain so until the day I die. I am disappointed in their new album (Dark Is A Way, Light Is A Place), but I respect that they kind of tried to change their musical direction. The lyrical content is the same but I can't complain. They're motivating nonetheless. ("Depraved" makes me cry). 

In order to keep up with my thirty day challenge, I am completing today's challenge right now. I came home early, around 11:40 and I'm now resting up to a certain extent. My mother still wants me in my bed, but I need to blog. Oh, how dedicated I am.

Day 13: Someplace where you would like to move or visit.

I'm going to answer both of these questions. In terms of visiting, I've always really wanted to go to Spain. Maybe for like a week. I'd start in Madrid then go to Barcelona and then Valencia. Eventually I'd make my way down to the southern coast and I'd relax for the rest of my time in Spain. It is such a beautiful country and incredibly warm and sunny. It basically fits my criteria for an ideal vacation and home. The only problem is that I don't see myself speaking Spanish for x amount of days. It's too much.

I want to move to London, I know that much. I don't really have much tying me back here except friends and family. I know that seems like a lot and I recognize that it is a lot but I really want to live in a different country. I'm hoping that the college I choose has a really nice studying abroad programme so that I can get a taste for England before deciding whole-heartedly that I want to live there for sure. I like the idea of living in the city. I like the idea of an apartment, but only for myself. (I'm sort of a loner, you see). I want to be able to get out of anywhere I am to go someplace new. I want to be able to go on adventure and not be tied down. I want to be able to get anything I want at any hour of the day. I want to be able to go to concerts in the greatest cities in the world. 

Because of this, I feel like I should just move into Manhattan, but that's not much of an adventure. (That seems like an oxymoron. Manhattan not being an adventure). 

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