Monday, June 18, 2012

destiny of love.

I've been meaning to get my feelings out about this.

Mass Effect has been the best game series I have ever had the pleasure to play, so I have thought about it quite a lot recently.

But it makes me really happy when people remember that Shepard is still human. She's not this indestructible figure (but the Alliance will portray her as such), she still feels like everyone else does.

I'm a fan of female protagonists. Why? It's a much more powerful story, for starters. But think of this. Most stories are headed with male heroes. It's just so boring already. A female hero changes it up, a lot. The opportunity of her being shot down because of her gender is higher, obviously, but the opportunity of shooting them down is just as high.

Start with Mass Effect 1. Shepard is about 29 years old, if my calculations are correct. Upon first encountering the Reapers, she honestly has no idea about what is going to happen in the next three years, about. She sees Sovereign, recognizes the threat, but doesn't see the bigger picture just yet. Shepard doesn't understand that the Council isn't going to listen to her time and time again, even though she is a Spectre. She understands her duty and her crew.

Shepard has no idea that she's going to save the galaxy, fall in love and live to tell the tale. Unfortunately dying in Mass Effect 2 in the beginning.

Come Mass Effect 2. The man she loves (Kaidan) thinks she's working for a terrorist organization. She hates the Illusive Man, but can't get out of her ties because they did revive her with synthetics.

Now, Mass Effect 3. The threat is here and nothing can be done but stall until the galaxy is united and prepared to take on the Reapers. Does she know she's going to die? No. Does she know she's got the galaxy on her shoulders? Yes.

She's in her early thirties now and she's already accomplished so much. She's "The Shepard" afterwards. She's legendary and saved the galaxy. Never asked for anything in return. Sure, she was sassy, but only when they truly deserved it (Pure Paragon, basically).

It's really mind boggling. I went off topic, I know. But really, I want to strive and just try to be as phenomenal as a person and hero as Shepard.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

i just want to live it up.

Chinatown soccer tourney today. Beaten up. I'll get into details later.

People need to grow up. This goes county-wide. Jesus.

Catherine is always concerned with people not liking her. I try to explain to her that it doesn't matter. Just do what you want to do and whatever, but I've never really understood what was difficult to understand about that.

This is your life, you know? You shouldn't spend it waiting on the feet and graces of others. If you're unhappy, change it.

That's the motto I've been trying to take up recently. It's been going really great, actually.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm definitely overreacting.

But today will decide whether I keep my job or not.

Mainly because I can't stand dirty older guys trying to be cute.

I'll be back.