Saturday, December 4, 2010

Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

...Dreams of loneliness. I actually love this song to an unhealthy amount. You can't blame me. Music from ten to thirty years ago is the best musically and for the lyrical content. The stuff today can't even come close to that music. It's a total insult the bass. "Let's just play this harsh bass line throughout the entire song! Let's make people's head sore!". I hate it, I really do. 

The reason why I picked up the bass in the first place is because of Robert Hardy (Bob Hardy) of the band Franz Ferdinand. From their first record, Franz Ferdinand, it make me realize how important the bass is, and how much I'd rather play rhythm than the melody. Hence why I stayed in the second violins in my school's orchestra. Sure, being in the firsts is really an honour, but, I'd rather play something I enjoy. I love playing my violin now. 

So, you may be thinking why I am blogging so early. It's only 3:10 PM! I have to go to a Hanukkah party with my family in Brooklyn. I'm not Jewish, I'm Catholic, so, I don't really know why we go. I know they're family and everything, but, it doesn't feel right to me. 

The only things I did today was volunteer at Winthrop. It wasn't fun, at all.  The same nurse asked me for my name, like she does every week. I actually don't mind her as much as I did. I just like my name, that's all. Personally, I didn't want to go today because I have my cough and all. I had a coughing fit there, and I was trying to hide it the entire time. My voice got all hoarse and when I went to speak to people I sounded as if I was three again. My voice is not naturally feminine, which, in some instances, I am very grateful for. Why? I never sound like a ditz. The only problem is that it gets guttural if I get really angry or upset about something and I sound like a man.

I'm also getting the game Starcraft 2 tomorrow. I'll be playing with my Chinese family and my cousin James. We're going to kick some major ass online. 

Day 04: Your Views on Religion

"Religion is like a penis. It's fine to be proud of it. But, please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats."

This quote explains basically exactly how I feel about it. I am Catholic, like I said previously in this entry, but I am not a die-hard Catholic. My sister and mother are more religious than I. I haven't been to church in years. I sometimes wish that my parents raised me Buddhist. I like the ideals of Buddhism a lot more than Christianity. In Christianity, there is too much hate against different or "weird" practices that happen in our world. 

Religion, I believe, is sometimes an excuse to hate another, even though it says to love one another. Does that happen? No. I feel that religion sometimes gives people a reason to act strangely to another, and they're allowed to because they can say that it's justified in their holy book. 

It's great to have a religion, don't get me wrong, but, the world needs to calm down about it. 

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