Saturday, December 18, 2010

Obstacle 1.

I really think everyone should hear 'Obstacle 1' by Interpol at least once in their lives. It might not mean anything to you, but, it means a lot to me. It's off their Turn On The Bright Lights record, their debut. It signifies my bridge into a love for Interpol and my endless journey to hidden, great music. 

Tracy thinks it is the greatest song ever written. I am beginning to see what she sees in the song, but, as much as I do love it, I don't necessarily think it's the greatest song. The bass line is incredibly fun to play, as many bass lines are. I like all the shifting in it, even though when playing music, you're trying not to shift your hand as much as possible. 

I just got back from going to various stores and the mall with Tracy. Some of my family Christmas shopping is done. But, it made me wonder. She was there getting gifts for her friends. She was having such a difficult time trying to find the perfect gift for her friends Jessica and Lindsey. Usually when I pick out a gift, I find it rather easy. I don't really know why. People always freak out about the right gift for a person. I think of it this way: If the gift doesn't scream the person's name as soon as you look at it, it isn't the right gift. Of course, you could ask the person, but, that ruins the surprise. That's the only place where I can see some difficulty in picking out a gift.

I got my sister Begin to Hope by Regina Spektor. I thought it was funny because I always thought I would buy it for myself. That didn't seem to be the case, obviously. She wanted Enrique Iglesias, but, I figured I'd get her something more enriching as opposed to 'I Like It'. She likes the songs she did in the movie The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, otherwise known as Narnia and 'Samson' off of the record I got her. I figured it was a well-thought out gift. 

I just want to let it be known that I am seeing Interpol in February, and it will be awesome. I can't wait. I've been listening to them non-stop this past week. I really don't know why, but, they're really affecting me now. Hence I've fallen in love with Paul Banks. 

You really can't deny him. He's adorable. Even though most guys don't want to hear they're adorable. Whoops. 

I've still got AP World homework to do, so, I should probably stop blogging at this point. But, I am also going to use this blog as a diary for this piece of artwork I'm trying to complete over the winter break. Like I said, I'm drawing the Invincible - EP by Muse cover. It's coming out really well so far. I know I used the wrong textured paper and all, but, I can't really fix that at this point. I'm colouring it in using Prismacolour pencils.

Obviously, it's the female of the picture. I'm re-doing the stars, trust me. They're horrible. 

Day 18: Your beliefs. 

My beliefs... This is a really general question and doesn't really narrow much down. So, I'm going to assume that you mean morals when you say beliefs. Yeah.

I personally believe that you shouldn't go down without a fight, no matter how dangerous. It could be verbal or physical, I don't care. As long as you make it known that you aren't weak and you aren't timid. You need to frighten the person into thinking that if they mess with you again, you will destroy them. In a figurative sense, of course. Kill them with words.

I also believe that if a person goes behind your back or does something mean to you, you should never try to be friends with the person again. People are fickle, but, they are also straitlaced in personality. Nobody changes, and if they do, it isn't true. Their real personality will come back to bite you. 

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