Friday, December 10, 2010

Hey! No cars go.

Great, great, awesome day. It didn't start at school though, I can tell you that much.

For one thing, it's just finally hitting me that I won't be seeing my Uncle Pete anymore. I know I never really got to know him or really saw him for that matter and all, but, there's a person no longer on Earth anymore, you know? It's a crazy thought, and part of me doesn't want to believe that a human life is gone. At least not in my family right now.

Like I said earlier, I'm sort of fed up with Rob. Either he grows a pair and decides or just leave me alone, man. I'd love to be friends with you, but let's face it, we have no common interests whatsoever. The perils of being an indie kid (I say this with a grain of salt). 

Which brings me to this point. A group of kids in my school, which I will be referring to as the 'pop-punk kids' from now on, wear band merchandise all the time. When I mean 'all the time', I literally do mean all the time. They've got band shirts from Hot Topic and various concerts they've gone to. They've even got hoodies and such and it's all I freaking see at school. Don't you have any other clothes? I've been brought to the point where I'm starting to believe that they just buy the clothing and don't even listen to the music itself. Granted, I wear band t-shirts and all, but not really as much as they do. It's ridiculous.

When school let out, I was in a much better mood than I was yesterday, December 9th, 2010. I had stuff to do, like always, but I had plans and that improved my mood like you have no idea. My friends are great, okay. I got there and they were watching this movie called Moulin Rouge. Supposedly famous, but I've never heard of it before.  I really liked the character Christian and I'm going to be looking up the actor who played him. Incredibly striking blue eyes. 

It made me realize tonight about how much I miss playing Animal Crossing. It's like the Sims. It's so basic and why would you want to play a game about life? Don't ask questions, you enjoy it, anyway. 

Tonight, I have plans on finishing my quota of AP World pages and Starcraft 2. Hopefully, I find something to draw for my Art sketch. I really don't know what to draw and I feel like drawing the Rumours cover by Fleetwood Mac is pushing things a bit. Maybe I'll draw my Ray-Bans. 

Day 10: Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Single for fifteen years, like a boss, of course. I guess I could be really vague and general about crushes I've had in the past, if that counts for a first love. I fall for people really easily, but hardly. It's hard to explain. I don't find anyone in my school remotely attractive or interesting, so, if there is a guy who strikes my fancy, then, it's like finding <insert precious metal and/or precious gemstones here> in a heap of trash.

In addition to being single my whole life, I've never been kissed. But, I'm sure you were able to derive that by now.

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