Friday, December 24, 2010

Now here you go again, you say, you want your freedom.

Christmas Eve, to me, is always the longest day. I just want it to be Christmas, so I apologize. This entry will be short because I'm off to bed soon. 

I went to my Aunt Janet's and Uncle William's tonight which I always really like doing. I get to see a bunch of my family and just chill out. I never have to be too outgoing with my cousins, and they don't mind. I'm just really comfortable there as opposed to another house of my relatives. There, I tried to nap but I had their dog, Moose, lick my face. I woke up. I ended up watching Casino Royale. Very Christmasy. Although, every time I do watch it, I always make a mental note to myself about how blue Daniel Craig's eyes are. The bluest of the blue. 

I got two presents, so far. Two pairs of jeans and a black peacoat. Guaranteed, I wear them tomorrow.

The funny thing about tonight was that my Dad and I ended up wearing pretty much exactly the same thing. It wasn't planned. I told him to change, but he wouldn't. Joking, of course. I actually don't care at all if somebody wears the same thing as I do. I don't know why people get worked up about it.

Day 24: Your favourite movie and what it's about.

Spirited Away. What can I even say about Spirited Away? I love all the characters and the whole storyline. It's about a girl enters another world of magic and mystical beasts and spirits after her parents are turned into pigs. The whole movie is about her trying to get her parents back to human form, and during the process of, she grows up quite a bit. She works hard for what she wants and lessens the dependency she needs on other people (Including not whining as much). 

Sleepy time now. Goodnight, all. :)

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