Thursday, December 16, 2010

I saw your picture, hanging on the back of my door.

This song strangely relaxes me. Most of the time, electronica makes me want to get up from whatever I'm doing and start dancing like a madman. Not this song. It's really sad, I think. Maybe disappointing in some parts, but, that's just how I interpret it. I interpret it differently every time I listen to it. Sometimes, I think it's just Robert Smith's voice. It's so fucking beautiful for such a scary guy. I apologize for my profanity, but the strangest singing voices are assigned to the most physically opposite people. I just don't get it sometimes. (Wes Miles of Ra Ra Riot, Nick McCarthy of Franz Ferdinand).

Today was normal. We had our annual bagel party for orchestra which I always enjoy. It's so refreshing not to play sometimes. My teacher doesn't understand. A break is good musically if you want to get things done. You can think about it. You may think the weekend counts, it does, but not as much as it does if she isn't there. 

After school, I went to the mall with my mother to get jeans that I will later receive as a Christmas gift. I got a new shirt that I really like and I'm going to wear it tomorrow. I realized that this year I received gifts of what I need as opposed to what I want. It's a change of pace. A lot of people might think that I didn't need a bass, but, let's face it. My original bass was a piece of crap. It was scratched everywhere and the strap knobs fell off. It wasn't going to work.

I'll be returning to my high school's marching band with a swanky new bass. I can't decide whether I'm solid about this decision, or if it's the dumbest thing I have ever done in my whole life. 

I've got some AP World notes to condense, so, I end my post here with my thirty day challenge. It's not like much has changed.

Day 16: Your views on mainstream music.

Let's not even get me really riled up about mainstream music. Some of it I do like, I will admit, but, ninety-eight percent of it I absolutely despise. As you may have picked up, my music taste can be considered indie and therefore that might make me a musical asshole. It does, trust me.

Mainstream music relies much too heavily on a repeated bass line and drum beat. It's all about going out to clubs and partying, as if that is the only thing that can actually bring you joy. Of course, this is definitely a major case because the young adults of America seem to only party, drink and do drugs at this point. 

It's made to get stuck in your head so you'll eventually get to the point where you'll like it so much, you will go home to purchase it on iTunes. These major record companies are making a giant profit off nuisances. Mainstream music is the reason why music is slowly dying. It doesn't take much effort to write a instant top one-hundred. In comparison to a song like 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac...everything else just looks so bad. 

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