Friday, December 3, 2010

We too, could be glorious.

Trust me. Right now, all I would rather do right now is sleep, but, unfortunately, if I mess up my blogging schedule, I'll never look at this again. So, here I am at 12:30 AM, blogging. I could always bring my laptop upstairs into my room, but, I don't need the factor of possibly overheating my laptop back into the picture again.

School was good, actually. Great, maybe. I feel like Rob is catching me doing all these weird things (See my previous post) as for today he caught me pirouetting in the music wing and shouting at Tracy asking why she doesn't appreciate my dancing. I don't really mind. I don't care who necessarily sees me doing these obscure things, but, I'm actually not that insane, contrary to the popular belief.

See, today, I was sitting by my locker, gathering my things for the rest of the day. Honestly, I try not to notice him because I feel like a stalker if I'm expecting him. Besides the point. He hovers over me, and I don't notice. I take into consideration that there feels like feet pressing into mine, but, I think it's just my legs giving out from holding up my body. I look up, and it's Rob smiling. I got a little scared because, well, imagine being crept up to like that! My reaction consisted of a "holy shit". 

In addition to that, the girl he supposedly likes made some comment, and I think he kind of just brushed it off. Or he played it real down, or hardly recognized her. I literally could have just jumped around screaming, which, I did when I got to lunch. The aftermath of such freak out led to my iPod flying out of my pocket and falling to the ground. It was so worth it. 

After school, I got to eat sushi from my Uncle Kame and Aunt Chie. They're friends of my father and we did a sort of toast to his good health, now. At least, I think so. We decided today that we'd spend two weeks in Europe. One week in England, three to four days in Switzerland and then spend the last couple in France and Italy. How cool is that?! I can't wait for it!

Around five-ish, I went to Ali's house and met up with Liz and her (Duh) and then later Tracy and Michael. We watched Fight Club, which, as gory as it was, I really liked it. I felt like it helped explain the parts of the book that I didn't understand while reading it. I completely understand the full meaning of the book, now. Once we finished watching the movie, we sort of had a story time, if you could call it that. 

I'm really grateful that I didn't have to explain anything to Tracy and Liz. I know they want to know, though. I don't know how to react to that. 

And, guess who wrote another poem. Yeah, exactly. I feel just like you feel. Another?


"Sell my intangibles.
Bear my weight,
resting upon my crumbling shoulders.

Ignite my body.
Take my burden.
Tell your friends.

Oh, the she-witch has fallen!
Heavenly bodies descend!
Bask in my glory!

Prowl through density.
Burrow through wasted time.
'Alert thy neighbour'.

Sell your intangibles.
Ignite your body.
Take your burden.

What have I gained?"

Day 03: Your views on drugs and alcohol.

I don't particularly like them. Especially drugs. I feel like it's an excuse to just get away with anything you want, or do anything ridiculous, which, essentially is just alcohol in a rougher form. I feel like drugs are only labeled as bad because you have to do things that require a lot of effort and time to get them. It's really for the cool factor, which is completely unnecessary. Alcohol can be a casual thing, but only because it's legal. Some people can control themselves with it. Others cannot. 

Sometimes, I feel like there should be a two year screening where people are screened in order to purchase alcohol. The things I read on Texts From Last Night (Although, mostly fake), make me cringe and sigh at the young adults of America. You can't honestly think that partying is the only way of life.

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