Monday, January 17, 2011

I am a seagull, you are the arctic ocean.

It recently occurred to me that fighting homophobia and fighting for gay rights is our equality movement, like how they fought for black rights in the 60s. I wonder if anyone noticed this. 

Today, we raided my cousin's t-shirt stash for his band. I feel like a secondhand vendor because most of the stuff I collected today is going to other people tomorrow. It's a weird feeling.

I love Stornoway, and I thought I would let you all know that. If someone could buy me their album, Beachcomber's Windowsill, I might love you forever.

Day 7: How you came across tumblr, and how your life has changed since joining:

This isn't tumblr, but, whatever. I found it through my Franz Ferdinand fandom. I used to check a specific blog for new images every day, until they stopped posting. I figured, why not join? It can't hurt. I now basically sit on tumblr all day for the most part, and I find it the ultimate distraction.

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