Monday, September 5, 2011

hold your colour against the wall.

I just spent the past hour studying for my permit. I got perfects on all of the practice tests on the website. I wonder if that means I'm knowledgeable enough to take the test and get my permit. If anyone knows about that in New York State, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know like in a comment or something. My cousin James says that I can easily pass it, but I don't know. I just want the ID, to be honest. Driving makes me anxious, but not anxious enough to the point that I don't want to drive. But the legal ID would be really nice, you know, for shows and everything.

I'm going to go look back at the manual they gave me months ago and then review just little things. It's always the small details that get me. Like when parallel parking, you have to stay one foot from the curb or thirty centimeters. I always thought I was good with retaining small details, but small details that are obsolete.

Ohio driver's licenses are vertical and red. I like my New York style ID. Whatever. (Even though I'm more of a fan of red).

I wish Drew would stop plaguing my mind. I have to start a new school year. If he wants to contact me, let him. I'm done with making the steps over (trust me, this "I'm done!" crap is as official as Sammi's is from the Jersey Shore. Jesus).

I need to read the last twenty pages of my book, shower and prepare to look presentable tomorrow. I did my nails today early so that I wouldn't have to worry about them later. My dad's making ribs tonight, the one's where he boils them in orange juice for an hour. The meat falls right off the bone. Om nom nom.

Until tomorrow, the first day of school. I'll be compiling something to listen to as the day progresses. I leave you with some Kanye and OMD.

"Devil In A New Dress" by Kanye West (

"Green" by OMD (Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark) (

I can't wait to see OMD again at Irving Plaza. My dad wants me to take the train in to meet him, but then he realized that I have no idea how to use the trains in New York. I'd probably get into Penn Station and just start crying. But I figure a crash course on the train station and the subways would be a surefire to learn the streets of Manhattan.

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