Saturday, November 27, 2010

You've gone stabbing yourself in the neck.

I am back from volunteering at Winthrop. It could have gone better. There weren't a lot of patients on my floor today, so, I spent most of the time sitting around in the break room. Surprisingly, I wasn't starving, nor was I exhausted, which is a really nice change of pace. I just feel sometimes that when I go there and there are a lack of patients, they're looking for things for me to do. I know I'm a volunteer and all, but, if you don't need it done, don't go pulling things out of your ass for me to do. I got lost today, and getting lost in a hospital is a bit nerve wracking. I always feel that I'll never figure out how to get back out. I always do, obviously.

What I realized yesterday is that I never followed up with a post upon the football game that I promised that I would. (I do read my old entries. I feel like my life is zooming by, honestly). I need to get this experience out of my mind, just so I don't have to think about it much longer. It was my most enjoyable football game experience. Don't ask me why, it just was.

I mean, just hanging out with my friends makes me happy. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to see them today. Although, I don't mind hanging out with my cousins, either. It's rather conflicting. So, when I arrived with my father, I made sure that he had a safe spot. I feel like I've already started to take care of my parents, now. It's that whole Chinese culture thing coming up again. My father is much like me, he's very stubborn, and he's always pushing himself past his limits. I had to watch that and hang out with my friends. All in all, it turned out fine. The only thing that I found out recently is that when he got home, he fell asleep for the next three hours. So, now I feel like I did a half assed job on it. But, he said he had fun. So, I'm glad.

I sat with my friends Ali and Michael in the front row. I'm ashamed to look the band director in the eyes. If there's anything I will always do, it's looking people in the eye. I can't do it with him without feeling nervous, anxious or scared. (Nervous and anxious are the same thing, aren't they?). There's 'Funeral March' for the flutes, which is just four measures of rest. I'm not sure why that strikes me as so funny, it just does. I won't question it. Honestly, I'm glad I got a last chance to see them march in the last song 'Cantus / Song of Aeolus'. Excluding the fact that their band visual makes me fall out of my chair laughing, I like to watch them march. I just can't handle it when they all start to dance. It's too ridiculous.

By third quarter, Rob came over to say hi to me. We got to talk as long as it was until he had to go play 'Poker Face' by Lady Gaga. I don't know how long that was. It involved a poke war and something about trumpets being awesome. (I did like the trumpet prior to meeting him, mind you). I later got bored and began to undo his shoe laces because really, I am cooler than all of you, and you can't even handle it. I managed to break his record of shoe tying, so, I think I win. As I'm untying his shoes, he makes some comment about it being a bit early to be ripping off his clothes. 

Oh, I died. I really did. But, I mean, of course. As I go to grab my bag from the bleacher row below, I sit up to him smirking saying, "Purple?"

It basically went like this.

Rob: "Purple?"
Caroline: "Purple."
Rob: "Purple."
Caroline: "You're an asshole."

I had to be wearing my snazziest underwear I had in my drawer (DON'T ASK WHY). If you bathe at one in the morning the night prior, all you want to do is get into bed and go to sleep. So, er, I put on my rainbow zebra striped ones that happen to have a purple elastic band. Yeah. If I had enough mental capacity to realize that I was going to marching band in a couple of hours, I would not have worn...those.

Rob is set on trying to offend me, and he hasn't done it yet. I told him I was a person that was really difficult to offend, just don't call me a chink, and we won't have problems. In total, I'm aware of where he was looking. I mean, it's not that hard to derive. I find it funny because I'm say that my rear is Grade A, but sarcastically. (If you really think that I sit around in awe of it, then you might have serious problems). 

That's all I have to say for now.

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