Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am with the West. I am fair-skinned, I deserve a bullet in my chest.

As simple , and as barbaric those lyrics are, I really like them. They don't mean an awful lot to me, but, it does summarize how I do feel towards America in general. Of course, since they are a band from Oxford in England, they could be talking about Western Europe. For me, an American female, I refer to the West as North America. 

I am currently reading Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. The book is interesting. I mean, I really like it. I'm not going to sit down and analyze why I like it. I'm not that much of an English nerd. The language within it the book is capturing my attention. Tyler is really interesting, and Marla I just plain don't like. She's so pathetic, much like Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. The only thing that's bothering me is that the narrator doesn't have a name. That always puts me on edge. 

It's been only two days and I've read eight-seven pages of the novel. If you could imagine, I noted the parts of the book that really struck my attention. So far, this is what has.

"Now, according to the ancient Chinese custom we all learned from television, Tyler is responsible for Marla, forever, because Tyler saved Marla's life." (60).

"Me, with my punched out eyes and dried blood in big black crusty stains on my pants, I'm saying HELLO to everyone at work. HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Everything is nothing, and it's so cool to be ENLIGHTENED. Like me." (64).

"'You know, the condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip it on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night, then you throw it away. The condom, I mean. Not the stranger.'" (66).
All condensed into six pages, so far. Riveting, I know.

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