Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I'm not new to the whole blogging thing, I promise. I figure an introductory post is in order, considering this is a brand new blog, a first post. 

My name is Caroline, I'm currently fifteen and I live in the state of New York in the United States. My favourite course is English, and I plan on becoming an English major once I graduate. I'm set on Cornell, but, I think that with my grades, it won't be necessarily possible. If anything, I would love to go to Oxford, but, let's face it. The expectations for Oxford blows Cornell away. I try to be rational.

I'm an Anglophile, music enthusiast and a self-proclaimed hipster indie kid. Hell, I'm writing this in helveltica. I have a strange addiction to vitamin water and cookies. I also make some bitchin' brownies, but that's my personal opinion. I also happen to believe that I have a large ego, which, this is true in many aspects, but sometimes I even blow that out of proportion. 

I can also exaggerate a few things, but lets' be honest. As a teenager, it is expected. 

I am a bit of a gamer, as well. I play World of Warcraft, Call of Duty and soon Starcraft 2. I used to play Halo, but my Xbox burnt out years ago. I play on the computer, most of the time. If I'm not feeling too violent, I'll play a half an hour of the Sims 3. It's like a guilty pleasure. 

I play the violin, bass and a bit of the piano. I can play some real good recorder if you asked me to. My favourite groups include: Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Arcade Fire, Glasvegas and Anberlin. I'm a lot more open to music nowadays, which I'm rather pleased about. I also enjoy writing fictional pieces, my dream is to get one of my stories published.

Now, a bit into psychological me. I am a grammar nazi, as the term would be. In comparison to other grammar nazis, I am the more lenient, let's say. I'm a bit OCD, and I plan on working on alleviating the disorder everyday. It's a slow process, but it's working. I promise you all. (Everything is possible with a bit of effort). I have a slight attention disorder and a short attention span to top it off. If I begin to ramble off on something and then another thing, it really isn't surprising, honestly. I will be the shyest person you will probably ever meet, too. I am also the messiest clean freak you will encounter. Promise. 

From what people have told me, I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. There is no median between the two. Do not ask me why. I have major trust issues. 

I have eight major celebrity crushes, or fandoms. (I like to call them fandoms). They're Alex Kapranos, Nick McCarthy (of Franz Ferdinand), Matt Bellamy, Dom Howard (of Muse), Win Butler of the Arcade Fire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Owen Pallet. They consume most of my life, and they make me incredibly happy. 

In conclusion, I want to sum this up by saying that this is going to be a public diary of my life. I used to blog on livejournal, but I am a bit paranoid about it now. I use tumblr, and I absolutely love it, to be honest. The only problem is that people from my school now follow me, and to give a rant on there is a tad dangerous, you know what I mean? 

You'll read about some girl's life some miles away from you. I want to stay hidden from sight, hence clandestine. 

For my small town, these are giant thoughts I have. Now, you can derive what I mean by my blog's title. 

If this entry interests you enough to follow me, then I'm glad. Let's be friends. :)

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