Wednesday, September 4, 2013

i envy you, i always have.

I'm at college right now. Let that soak in, Internet. I started this blog back in late freshman year in high school and now I'm a freshman in college. That's about four years, now.

Do I think I've grown up any? Yes, but not a lot.

I'm getting used to college life. I mean, to be honest, I think I'm really acclimated now. I still get homesick sometimes, but it's better. The first two days were pretty rough.

I was robbed on the fifth day on the steps leading to Horan Hall. Those next two days were rough, too. Jessica picked up the school newspaper and there's an article on the front page about it. Essentially, I'm famous, even though my name is not mentioned once.

I'm kidding. I'd rather not be famous for being robbed.

The Fiftieth Precinct drove me around the projects at night, which they call "The Maze" and it was pretty freakin' terrifying. After that happened, I'm much more aware of my surroundings and honestly grateful for all that I have.

If anyone reads this: if you're robbed, don't go chasing after them. That's a terrible idea and yeah. You're just gonna be winded and furious. Try just to be furious.

I went to a party over at Jasper the night after and drank way too much. I threw up out a window. Freshmen, man.

I've met some really great people here. Jessica, Simona, Kaylee, Leah, Aline, Heidi, Mike are all wonderful people. The guy prospects could be better, though. I'm picky. My dream husband is Brandon Flowers and I'm pretending that I could snag a guy like that. Yeah, right.

I have Chinese in an hour and a half. Today I had an eight hour break which is still in process. It kind of sucks. My classes end at 7:45 and it's really exhausting. I'm so glad my math class is only two times a week, but Jesus Christ, Manhattan. Couldn't you find a better time frame other than late?

My teacher is pretty bad, too. I can't really discern his handwriting and he has a thick Armenian accent. I just don't have great luck when it comes to math teachers. My English professor is wonderful, however. My religion teacher is awesome, too. Chinese is Chinese; I'm gonna complain about it regardless.

My science class is essentially high school chemistry all over again. I'm not complaining though. It should be easy.

I had my first college drunken hookup and I'm regretting it every day. I'm convinced I have a thing for tall blonds. Whoops.

I honestly wish I had the energy to divulge to my private fucking blog about how I feel about it, but I don't. I just want to forget it forever, but that's really hard considering that he keeps trying to get to know me and I'm kind of just over it. Usually I'm the one trying to stay around, but I just don't fucking care anymore. Whatever happened, happened, but seriously, back up. You're nice and all, but seriously. Go find another chick.

I write this and then something is gonna happen between us and I'm gonna wanna terminate this blog entry.

I'm gonna go warm up some soup before class and then play the Sims.

Oh, I got a semester full of credit. Thanks AP and the College Board.

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