Sunday, August 11, 2013

You're falling back to Earth.

I went to my first house party last night with Katarina. I didn't really want to put her in a situation she was uncomfortable with, so I tried to get her out as fast as possible. I feel really bad because she said the smells were making her nauseous. I took her home at eleven.

I was pestered incessantly by Robbie and Christian to come over. I usually have a ploy to get out of these things: school tomorrow, homework, test, etc, but not this time. I didn't think summer would be a curse.

It was a bit much.

Both Christian and Robbie got my number off of Janay. I'm going to have to talk her about that because that was kind of really uncool.

Christian texted me these two messages: "Just go he wants u to go I'm going" and " He's obsessed with u and wants to hang out with u".

Christian's also the guy who bought Ashley $300 EDC tickets. They're not together. I don't know what has to happen in order for a guy to realize the girl is just using him. Ashley always came off to me like that. (In any circumstance, using anyone is wrong. Haven't we learned this a long time ago?)

Anyway, my point is: I drop off Katarina and come back to hang out for an hour an a half. I'm sitting around while everyone is smoking and shit and I politely tell Robbie that I can't go home smelling like smoke. He was really nice about it, too. He basically shooed everyone outside and into another room so I could go home smelling clean.

He introduces me to all his friends, most of them kids from high school that I haven't seen in YEARS. Most of them got really grimy.

Once I had to leave, he walks me out to my car, which is nice, I guess. He keeps hugging me and crap like that. I don't really know how to explain it, but it was one of those moments where you knew that guy was looking for the right moment to kiss you. Yeah, no. I'm not about that.

Robbie's a nice guy, but I don't like him like that.

He texted me until three in the morning last night. I was up because I was playing Team Fortress 2 with Hunter from Manhattan. I like Hunter, he's a nice guy. Real funny, too.

Robbie's messages, however, later delved into him confessing that he likes me a lot, which I knew. I told him straight up that I don't like him like that.

He was kind of upset I didn't return the feelings, but I told him, I'd rather be upfront and honest with him than dodgy.

That was my night.

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