Thursday, December 15, 2011

substitute lover.

I find myself more exhausted than I should be. I go to sleep at a decent time on most days, but I still wake up feeling like absolute shit. I get my morning tea from the cafeteria when getting to school and sit at the table with Tiffany, Samantha, Emily and sometimes Annie. (Which reminds me, Quiz Bowl is coming up soon. It's going to be rad). I sit in APUSH and quietly sip at it, sometimes spilling it on the desk because I am in such a daze. I sit back and slide down a little bit, my eyes drooping. I love O'Hagan, but American History isn't exactly the best class to wake up to. It's like when I was a freshman and I had Spanish first thing. I didn't understand a word Beckner was saying solely because I hadn't even spoke English before getting to class.

I talked to Doyle and he said I can't switch out of Abrams for multiple reasons. One, he really isn't allowed to in the first place. Second, my schedule doesn't allow it. Had my schedule allowed it, I would be out of there in a heartbeat because of how terrible I am in math. If I hadn't taken Spanish honours this year, I could have been freed from the Abrams curse.

I've been trying to study, but I'm really distracted. What else is new.

Today, I went Christmas gift shopping. It was nice being able to get people gifts in which I could buy and not worry about my cash on hand. I still have at least eighty bucks on me. Everything is taken care of and I just have to wait for one package to come in the mail. Hopefully it comes before Friday of next week. It would be nice.

Yesterday, I went to YAPP and we made some ridiculous gingerbread houses. I haven't done that in a while. We were going to have a really fancy roof, but we had forgotten that this is a gingerbread house...not woodshop class. "GUYS I TAKE WOODSHOP, I GOT THIS." "JOHN'S GOT THIS, HE TAKES WOODSHOP." "I DON'T DO WOODSHOP, I AM WOODSHOP.". Our group was me, John, Ashley, Spenser and unfortunately Erik. I tried to get him to go away; I really can't make it any more obvious that I don't like him.

...But he likes me. It's so obvious and he doesn't know how to convey it in a manner which it is socially acceptable.

Nothing he does is socially acceptable. He's really gross and was on top of me for the entire two hours. I told him multiple times to move away from me and not in a friendly tone, either. He just laughed until I kicked his chair away, but he still ended back on top of me. It was so gross because he's really gross.


Spenser was talking about all of these colleges he recently got his acceptance letters from. I'm so jealous of him. He's majoring in creative writing and he got some sort of scholarship from a sport. Though, he was explaining things and he's well-mannered, so he looks at whomever he's talking to. Except his audience was a group and he kept looking at me.

I know that people have hinted at him liking me, too. He's a really nice kid, but I don't see him more than a friend.

Anyway, what I wanted to segway into instead of these ego boosting things (I don't know, people crushing on you is ego boosting...isn't it?) was that I took a picture with my friend John. (He's actually my favourite person, ever). I was making fun of serious hover handers and I made it my profile pictures because it's just so...FUNNY.

Fast forward to today. I'm sitting in orchestra, waiting for the caffeine to kick in. I check my phone while Gullotta goes out to find a replacement for Liz's bow. This is what I see.

"Drew...commented on your photo".

Me: ...The photo I posted of Jaxson yesterday?

It's the photo that my Aunt Janet took of us in Florida. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. "This photo doesn't show how tall he is! We need to take another one!". Simply commented, "Miss you!" and let me tell you, this kid does not like his full words in messages.

I came to this realization in orchestra. Drew only comments on my things if another male has done so. Don't ask me how I noticed these things, but I did.

Is he jealous? What is it? He paged through my profile pictures to comment on that as opposed to texting me, like he usually does.

I mean, how weird is that I was to be in Ohio in a week or so had this all worked out. I still can't get over that.

I'm back to drowning myself in my studies and Skyrim.


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