Saturday, January 5, 2013

girls like mystery.

Last night I went out to the Witches Brew with Janelle and Michael. It was nice to hang out with them. I had an amazing sandwich that burnt the top of my mouth, but entirely worth it. I had a papaya passion fruit tea drink and I finally got to relax after the past hellish week. I was exhausted, I still am, but again, it was nice to hang out with them.

It's been so liberating since Michael got his license. There's so many places we can go now without our parents hounding us down. I mean, of course we have to be back by a certain time, but you can push that further blaming it on waiters, traffic, you name it. We were out until about 12:30.

It was a taste of freedom and it was nice.

I made them listen to The Vaccines. They are so good, it hurts.

Michael wants to come with Brenna and I to see them. The only problem is that we always go front and Michael doesn't really like crowds. I don't want to ditch him, but The Vaccines are so much fun live. I couldn't give up the opportunity to be shoved up against a bunch of sweaty people, jumping around to "Wrecking Bar (Ra Ra Ra"). The little things.

However, I just wish he would stop berating me for choosing Manhattan College. I don't understand why he's hounding me for it. I don't really want to go to Ithaca anymore, but I keep it as an option because I haven't committed to Manhattan yet. He keeps making fun of the fact that I'd be living in the Bronx; his mother asking him why I want to live in the Bronx. It's the same question I ask myself, why would he want to live in Rochester?

He's not supportive of me, yet I have been supportive of him. I just don't understand sometimes.

I can't tell if he's just mad because I won't be two hours away from him, but six to seven hours away.


I think I'm getting sick. I've been drinking a lot more green tea to load my body with antioxidants. I hope it works.

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