Thursday, April 12, 2012

fade together.

I'm kind of having this revival of Franz Ferdinand right now. Am I complaining? No. Which album am I listening to? You Could Have It So Much Better.

I have very vivid memories of lying on my left side in my bed, staring out the window. It was real late at night, like three in the morning or something. I listened to Franz Ferdinand right before I went to sleep, every night. They were the only band that could put me to sleep, no matter what.

But the main point of this anecdote is waiting for sleep to come. I used to wait for the neighbours of the neighbours to turn off their hall light. It was always obnoxiously late, but like most people, my most interesting thoughts came at the most inopportune times.

They moved away and the new family never turns that hall light off.

"Fade Together" ripped my eighth grade heart apart. Listening to it today, it still does. I used to bawl in silence every time. I had no idea of the real meaning behind it. All of this love from afar crap, but I was 13-14.  What did I know about love?

I still have no idea what the song means, but I like to pretend to.


Yesterday, Tiffany slept over and we attempted to watch a K-Drama. Well, I attempted to. We got through nine episodes before I literally felt my brain overheating.

In addition to yesterday, we met up with Liz on the train and we went into the city. We strolled along the block that is KTown and explored various places of the city and made our way back to the Penn Station for the 6:39 train.

I wanted to go to the Museum of Sex, but Tiffany was against it. Liz was neutral on the topic. I'll go there eventually.

We went to Muk Eun Ji again and regardless of the price, it's always excellent and I feel like every dollar I spent is worth it. We then went to the Face Shop and splurged. I got an apple lotion and a new face wash to alternate with the blackhead one. The blackhead one is really good, but it kills off ALL facial oils and I'm pretty sure it's a known fact that you need a little oil on your face.

I discovered Lush and fell in love.

I could stay in the city all day and not be bored. I don't understand how some people aren't city people. It's just so wonderful, so many things to do.

Note to self: never go into Macy's, it's clearly the biggest store in the world and you don't need to relive the perfume department.

I should probably sleep. I've been a serious emotional wreck because I can't play Mass Effect. I really haven't enjoyed a game like this in a long time...since Dragon Age.

I need to find 100 dollars for Diablo III and Mass Effect 3. I have to put twenty dollars for Foster the People for John and I'm set.

There's a lot of saving going on. I hope I get something back in my tax refund.

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