Wednesday, February 8, 2012

tonight is the night.

I'm not exactly sure where my AMSCO is. I think it's in my locker, but I'm not definite. It was sitting on my desk the entire time during midterm week, but I never cracked it once. I thought the sheets I printed out would have gotten me the grade I wanted, but it didn't. I was upset only because I let Mr. O'Hagan down. He's basically turned into my new Nuzzi. He's such a nice guy and I wish I didn't do so poorly on my exams, but I know I can bring my average up with the quizzes. Even with those, I haven't been doing so well. I have to do well on the free response and the multiple choice.

Since he put me in the back, I am always distracted by my phone. That's just my problem, but I try to do whatever I can.

...NEVERMIND! I JUST FOUND IT! Ugh, I feel so much better now.

I think Liz and I are going to get dinner again this weekend. It's really nice to talk to her. I told her about how dumb I felt now for distancing myself from her last year. Granted, I had purpose, but (I think) she really grew up from last year. It's really commendable, considering I'm still trying to grow up, myself.

I'm doing that thing where I count down the days until Foster the People, already. It turns out Tiffany can't come, which is a bummer. I told her I invited Eric and she said she's really mad now because now she won't be able to meet him. Tiffany really just wants to see whether my taste in guy has changed since last year (See: Rob).

Tracy was right about finding your real friends in junior year. I was reflecting on what I told Michael earlier this year, about Natalie. I don't mind that he's friends with her, but I really appreciate that he still talks to me. I don't care who you are friends with. I am only saying that if you are talking to them, I will not approach you. We can save the awkward times for later.

I'm not even exhausted socially. I want to go out. Tiffany said she had a lot of fun with me when we went into K-Town and so did I.

We will see where things go as this month passes.

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